You only need you.

Shin Dee
3 min readOct 27, 2023

We are social beings.

We live day by day through interacting with colleagues, friends, family, as well as our significant other, or our “person”.

But what happens if everyone on that list fails you? What if everyone abandons you, who do you turn to?

You are on your own. Image taken by Author

A classic saying goes, “No man is an island.” But what if your archipelago was divided by the waves of the ocean? By the plates under the earth, the movement of nature. How do you cope?

What if the world showed what companionship, relationships and friendships really looked like? Are we ever going to be the same?

Regardless of how much we value and love someone, if they want to break free and leave us, they will.

We can give them the world, but they might end up wanting a different one. Something and somewhere you do not belong. In a blink of an eye, the person you trusted, planned a future with, loved, and adored will be out on your doorstep, waiving goodbye.

I’m sorry, but this is goodbye.

But you are lucky if they ever say sorry, because, my dear, “ghosting is real.” They can never be sorry, not until you realize they are not worthy. Not until you heal. Not until you see that the goodbyes made has its own beauty.



Shin Dee

Finding my core. Renewing my passion, accentuating joy. Reinstalling faith.